Bred for It

a (nsfw) rickorty fanbook

Welcome to the Breeding Program

Bred for It is a fanbook that brought together 22 talented artists and writers to celebrate the 5th Season of Rick and Morty.
29 Images ✧ 3 Comics ✧ 10 Fanfics
First Printing | 2022 | 40 copies

✧✧✧✧ Hosts ✧✧✧✧

Special thanks to @BPDkinnie who donated 80 stickers for gifts!

You must be over 18 years old to view


Cover Artists
Anonymous ✧ @berrysliciousin@BPDkinnie ✧ Drayock ✧ @Jessicasfeet5@mosscellarReplika@sheeplaurelzzzSheerapaw@SoftLynxArt@starryopalsJen
Anonymous ✧ @BPDkinnie@cupidmorty@Encyne@GhostyGoo_Girl@Jessicasfeet5@mosscellarReplika@sheeplaurelzzzSheerapaw@shishoulovesuou@SoftLynxArt@starryopals


In 2022, 41 Bred For It Zines were printed through and were priced at 27$ Canadian. Included were two free stickers and a keychain.
Bred For It was completed at a loss of $168 Canadian due to unaccounted for fees. This loss was covered by the organizer.

How To Print Your Own!

✧✧Step ①✧✧
Make an account at
✧✧Step ②✧✧
Download Bred For It Cover and Interior PDF files
✧✧Step ③✧✧
Go to Create> Magazines> Start Your Magazine

✧✧Step ④✧✧
Select Print Your Magazine, name it whatever you like, set language to English and select Art & Photography. Click Design Your Project.

✧✧Step ⑤✧✧
Upload Bred For It Interior.

When you upload the Interior PDF your booksize and page count will fill in automatically. Select Color Premium.

Select 70# Coated White, Paperback, and Glossy.

✧✧Step ⑥✧✧
Upload Bred For It Cover. You will be able to see an in-browser preview! This is a good sign, it means everything's good to go!

✧✧Step ⑦✧✧
Add your zine to your cart, order, and enjoy! Lulu will insert a blank page with a barcode into the back of your zine. You'll have to cut it out!